February 28, 2008

ABC Kids digital print

I'll be giving this digital print from my 'ABC Kids digital print' to a friend who just had a baby.! Here it is framed , as I'll be giving it to her at her baby shower. I think she'll love it - since she's real into typography! If you want to purchase a nice customized poster like this as a gift OR for your own baby, visit my shop. All you have to do is select the size and just email me the color scheme you'd like. Enjoy!


  1. Just saw that Bodie and Fou picked up your LOVE poster in the UK. Congrats! It's a great design, just wish I'd thought of it! Lana

  2. this is so nice & a great idea for a gift. it will look so cool in a nursery. lucky baby.

  3. Jen,

    I just rec'd my card today. And, it's absoulutely fabulous dah-ling! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!! I did a little shout out on my blog for you! I can't wait to see more of your designs.


  4. YAY!
    Hi BP,
    Soo happy you liked the card, and i saw your post it was so cute! Thanks A LOT. : )

  5. I'm thinking of getting this for my friend who's having a baby soon. But I'm wondering what it will look like if the baby's name is long?

  6. Hello Pom,
    The posters are selling really well and they'd make a great gift. Not sure how long the name is but here is what 'Isabella' looks like- its somewhat of a looong name. The link is below, just copy and paste it:


  7. I'm really loving these digital prints they are so cute!! I am going to get one for my son's b-day next week!

  8. just discovered your great posters, such brightful ideas !!

  9. hey glad you like!
    Check out my site as well for more .... : )


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com