January 31, 2008

Please Take 20 seconds to read this

Hi, all animal lovers. I was sent this email by Linda Ly, owner and designer of the stylish Begeren handbags. This is pretty simple... The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of getting free food donated every day to abused and neglected animals. It takes less than a minute (How about 20 seconds) to go to their site and click on the purple box 'fund food for animals' for free. This doesn't cost you a thing, ITS FREE! Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. Here's the site: Animal Rescue. Please pass this on or post this on your blog to help. Thanks so much!

*this one image above from the Animal Rescue website.


  1. i visit this site every single day first thing when i turn on my computer. thank you so much for highlighting it - i've reposted. hopefully we're helping to make some sort of difference!

  2. thank you so much for posting this - i had no idea i could make such a difference! i too will visit every single morning and we posted this on our blog as well.

  3. It's wonderful that you've posted this and I will definitely, definitely visit regularly as well.

  4. thanks for posting this!
    what a simple way to help.
    i reposted on my blog!

  5. So glad you posted this, I'm heading over right now!!

  6. Hello everyone, thanks sooo much for reading this and for all your help. I really appreciate those who placed this onto their blogs so others can read it and have a chance to help as well! What a great idea...!

    : )

  7. wow! thanks for sharing this. both my girls (k-9) are rescues and I will share this with my blog readers.

  8. A gift for you:

    Thanks for being a daily inspiration of mine!

  9. So sad! Bookmarked and blogged! Thanks for bringing to my attention!!!

  10. i didnt even know about this site, thanks jennifer! i'm totally posting it on my blog.

    jenn lee

  11. done! you've been linked. and thank you for the sweet words!

  12. you guys r great!! thanks. : )

    p.s. kelly, thx for the link, I've just added you.

  13. Good for u for making us contribute to this cause. I made my whole family click heehee..


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