January 19, 2008

Colorful Versions of the UK

Hope everyone is having a SUPER duper nice weekend so far! Its so nice to just relax at home, away from the busy streets on the weekends! I was going to go to see 'CloverField' today, but quickly changed my mind when I saw the loooong line! Oh well, maybe next time. Shot my UK card collection today, here's a pic of the pack of cards currently available via: MadeByGirl. This 100% RECYCLED card pack retails for $11.00 and brings all 4 designs along with some white envelopes! (Blank inside)


  1. Oh my god...I LOVE these!!!

  2. Wait...sorry for the second comment...will you be at the Gift Show as well?

  3. Hello Cakespy!
    Thanks soo much! :)
    YES, i will be at the Stationery show in NYC may 18-22! CAN'T WAIT!

    Jen Ramos
    '100% Recycled DESIGNER Cards'

  4. Hi Jen
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. I just scrolled down and saw your Anderson Cooper NYE photo. Classic!
    And these cards are fabulous!

  5. Hey miss thang!

    I simply love your work. It reminds me of my own, with the use of bold color of graphics of course. I am an accessories designer/author in Dallas, Tx. It is about 2:15 am and I am suppose to be asleep. I am working and wanted to take a break. I got your information from Stylehive.

    You have another friend in the US!

    check out my work

    I love your style in decor, so sweet, so chic!

  6. These are great! You are so talented!

  7. How refreshing to see someone bring some humour to our Union Jack. Don't know what the Queen would think :)

  8. I love these too! As someone who spent most of her formative years in London, this is pretty spot-on!

    I must spotlight you soon my dear, because I love all that you're about.

    Have a lovely day!

  9. Hiya Candy Couture! I just visited your site and your handbags are quite unique....nice!

    Thanks for coming by and checking out my spot on the web.... and glad we can be friends! : )

  10. Hello Di,
    not sure what the queen would think, but this is one of my favorite flags...and i long to go to London someday...been a wish of mine for a long time now.
    Color is great and it makes people feel good that is what this design is all about .... : )

  11. yes miss shoo....please feel free to do so :)
    btw i read your post on the brazil shows and the lack of certain types of models...i totally agree, they should wake up and realize the world we live in is a mix of colors.

  12. LOVE these!! Especially now that I am living in the UK. I will contact you with an order!!

  13. hey ALB, How are you?

    Thanks alot!~
    I'm so JEALOUS ur living in the UK right now....i want to go there soon! : )

  14. As a self-confessed anglophile in love with a Brit, I love these!


Thank you for your comments! Be sure to visit my shop at www.madebygirl.com