April 19, 2007

Sweetest section of the NY Times...

Sometimes the New York Times Home and Garden section showcases some amazing designers and interiors. Here are just a few on the site right now. Love these so much!


  1. Hi Jennifer, I didn't realize that was a bathtub in that pic (2nd row). That is most impressive and the Sofia Loren picture to stare at is a real treat. Outstanding post!


  2. Loving the black & white tile floor.
    And there's something about that room with it's 1960'(50's?) movie poster and campy "brillo pad" box that says NEW YORK!!!

  3. I love to see rooms full of the unexpected.

  4. I've been told you don't know your decorating style till your 30's but I want to buy my first house before then so i am trying to figure mine out! I am not a color person but the dark rooms make me sad and my apartmetn is very light. love all your post lately!!

  5. Silver, now there is a color I haven't seen in furniture that often.

  6. Oddly wnough Emily, My master bedroom is painted a dark color i bought from Ralph Lauren. Its called 'Turret Stair'... At first I painted one wall and left the others white. Then I decided to paint the rest of the walls in the toom that darker color. I love it. Its so serene and calming to me. ALSO, it ALWAYS looks like its just been painted, never looks dirty. Ha!

  7. These are very NYC to me as well...and coming from NYC myself i am missing it so much more with this post. Love the floors and the black and white blurred pic on the wall.


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